Energy Series- Seven Chakras
Energy Series- Seven Chakras
Energy Series- Seven Chakras >
时间: 2018 - 12 - 27
Capacity:30mlMain Ingredients· Almond Oil· Andropogon muricatus· Ginger· Scots pine· and other essential oilsBackground StoryThe seven chakras are the foundation of the chakra system, which connects nature and the earth, and controls the perception and instinct related to survival, such as sex, material, overall health, personal ability and self-defense. If the Root Chakra is out of balance, we might become belligerent, overemphasize materials, always feel insecure, or g...
时间: 2018 - 12 - 27
Capacity:30mlMain Ingredients· Almond Oil· Norway spruce· Peppermint· Carrot seed· and other essential oilsBackground StorySolar Chakra is also known as Self Chakra, because it allows individuals to spread and express their ideas and wisdom. Solar Chakra can help you use willpower to find a way out of a stalemate and take actions. If the energy is out of unbalance, you will lose confidence and strength, feel nervous and fear, and may suffer from perfectionism, criticism,...
时间: 2018 - 12 - 27
Capacity:30mlMain Ingredients· Almond Oil· Norway spruce· Peppermint· Carrot seed· and other essential oilsBackground StoryHeart Chakra is an important bridge connecting the upper and lower chakras. It focuses on love, harmony and cultivates our concern for ourselves and the world, and is associated with high-level feelings such as trust, empathy and intimacy. Love from the Heart Chakra has an enduring quality. It is immutable and allows individuals to show sincere empat...
时间: 2018 - 12 - 27
Capacity:30mlMain Ingredients· Almond Oil· Niaouli· Clove· Lemon Verbenad· and other essential oilsBackground StoryAs the center of communication, Throat Chakra is in charge of self-expression, and also covers the process of listening. Communication is the rule that connects the operation of living creatures. Only when the Throat Chakra energy is smooth, can you bravely listen to your inner voice, and be able to resonate and coexist harmoniously with your inner self and ...
时间: 2018 - 12 - 27
Capacity:30mlMain Ingredients· Almond Oil· Basil· Immortelle· Chamomilla· and other essential oilsBackground StoryBrow Chakra has been known as the 'third eye' since ancient times. Being closely associated with people's intuition and understanding ability, it can help them gain keen insight into everything and figure out what they are going to do. With the unblocked energy of Chakra VI, you can perceive the essence of things and solve problems with a new visi...
时间: 2018 - 12 - 27
Capacity:30mlMain Ingredients· Almond Oil· Lavender· Gummi olibanum· Sandalwood· and other essential oilsBackground StoryAs the top-level spiritual center, Crown Chakra deals with all things related to spirit and spirituality, receives energy from the universe and helps people get closer to the divinity. If Crown Chakra is fully opened, it will bring people the unity of body and spirit, all happiness and wisdom. However, in order to achieve this state, all lower-level ch...
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AEVAM Industrial(ShenZhen)Co., Ltd